Find Top-Rated Freelancers from a Premium Pool of Curated Talent

Use Truelancer’s platform to find and collaborate with a remote team of skilled freelancers. Once the work is completed and you’re satisfied, the funds that you paid which is stored in a safe deposit will be released to your freelancer.

  • Handpicked and pre-screened freelancers across the globe
  • In-house prime managers who will manage your projects
  • Time tracking and other efficient tools
  • 100% customer satisfaction

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Work together with highly skilled and qualified talents!
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Pre-screened talents

Funds are held in safe deposit

Can be accessed on smartphones

Prime managers for excellent customer service

Various methods to contact support

No live chat support


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Total Score
User Friendliness 98% 95% 95% 91%
Payment Methods Credit/Debit Card, Apple Pay, iDEAL, PayPal Credit Card, PayPal, Skrill, Bank Deposit, WebMoney, iDEAL, SOFORT, Giropay, Bancontact, Interac, Dotpay, Alipay, UnionPay, Boleto Credit Card, Check, Wire Transfer, ACH (coming soon) Bank Transfer, Credit/Debit Card, Netbanking, Paypal
Communication With Freelancer Yes Yes Yes Yes
Quality Of Support 99% 96% 96% 91%
Fees $1 for gigs below $20, 5% for gigs $20 and up per payment 3% or $3 per payment $399 deposit 2.0% - 2.9% per payment

What Do People Say About Truelancer?

August Stokes

I never knew that hiring a freelancer can be this easy. Every time I’m starting a new online project, I always to go Truelancer to find someone who can do the job and it never failed me.

Rhonda Moss

My online business requires a lot of skill and dedication which is why I need a group of freelancers to do it for me. Thankfully, Truelancer was able to provide me with the right people that I’m looking for. 10 stars!

Rodolfo Murray

Been registered to several freelancer sites but only Truelancer gave me the best results. They’ve done a good job in pre-screening their talents who can deliver results.

John Navarro

Majority of my projects need skilled individuals and I was able to find them via Truelancer’s online platform. It’s so easy to use and understand.

Dennis Hardison

My website has been running successfully for more than a year now thanks to Truelancer’s group of talented freelancers. They are highly reliable and the rates are affordable too.

Hannah Rodriguez

Finding someone who I can work with for my company was so easy with Truelancer. Their freelancers are easy to talk to and have the skills that I'm looking for to grow my business.

Review Summary:

Truelancer is an online job board and freelancer marketplace with a freelance community of over 500,000 members. It is free for employers to post jobs.


As an employer, you can find Developers, Designers, Content Writers, Virtual Assistants, Mobile App Developer and many other professionals.

Projects on various categories like IT & Programming, Graphic Design, Content Writing, Data Entry, Finance, Sales, Marketing and many more can be posted and found on

Truelancer's user interface

Truelancer's user interface

And the jobs?

Since Fiverr has a global coverage, it’s unquestionable that you will be able to browse through a long list of their members and check out their portfolio to see if their skills and experiences are matched to your needs.

Below are the categories:

  • IT & Programming
  • Graphic Design & Multimedia
  • Writing, Content & Translation
  • Data Entry & Admin
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Customer Support & Service
  • Social Media, SEO & SEM
  • Mobile Application
  • Music & Audio
  • Others

This list may look limited but mind you, that’s just the surface. Just to give you an idea, Graphics & Design covers a lot of gigs such as Logo Design, Business Cards & Stationery, Illustration, Cartoons & Caricatures, Banner Ads and the list goes on and on and on…


When you sign-up for an account, there’s no need to pay for any premium.

That means registration is free

Here’s the deal…

The freelancer rates will vary and is depended on your chosen talent’s skills, knowledge and experience. In comparison to other providers, most of the professional’s rates here are much more reasonable.

Aside from the freelancer’s rates, the only additional fee that you need to pay will range from 2.0% to 2.9% per payment.


It would be wise to check their portfolio of your chosen freelancer because there’s a high chance that they have other skills which they could use to work on other tasks for your project.

You actually save significantly on the expenses by hiring just one person to do several tasks.


This is where Truelancer really shines because you can get in touch with their customer service agents not only by phone or email.

You can also contact them via online messaging applications like Skype or WhatsApp.

Truelancer customer support

Truelancer customer support

Why does this matter?

Having a provider that can be easily contacted is a great advantage because you will always need some help in the event that you have any problems or issues with your chosen freelancer.

Since Truelancer raised their customer service quality to a higher level, you won’t have to worry about getting any issues with your project because you know that there will be someone that you can rely on for any disputes or problems.

Bottom line

Truelancer should be your primary choice for hiring skilled freelancers and this is due to their advanced and user-friendly platform.

It has the basic plus value-added features that you won’t just find from any online freelance marketplace so you can find the right talent to hire with better results.

The best part?

(Read more...)

Their huge pool of curated talents have been pre-screened and their rates are much more affordable compared to other services out there.

If your business or project requires a skilled and dedicated freelancers then be sure to put Truelancer on top of your list.

Start Hiring Handpicked Freelancers!